Joining two documents into one single document in Elastic 6.3?

Can we join two documents into one single document(nested) in Elastic 6.3?

Like.. I have student and department as two documents.

Can I add department document as a nested array in student document into some other index?

Eg: Student{.....department[....]}


It is possible to do with a logstash configuration that consists of elasticsearch input (to read students), elasticsearch filter (to lookup departments), and elasticsearch output (to index the joined records back into elasticsearch).

Thanks for the response, So using logstash can we make a document to be nested in some other document? Can this be done inside logstash filter?

So using logstash can we make a document to be nested in some other document?

Yes, you define the document as nested in the mapping, and then you use logstash to create a source that would match this nested structure.

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