From what i see, one should use in logstash the date {} to modify the event date, but setting the @timestamp field to seems to also work, at least when using json {}, @timestamp object seems to set the date correctly.
I have the json (from a nginx-ingress)
{ "@timestamp": "2021-07-03T23:17:15+00:00", ...}
And after a json {} i get in kibana:
|@timestamp |2021-07-04 , 00:17:15.000|
| logstash_time |2021-07-04 , 00:17:17.000|
The logstash_time is the date/time of the logstash when processed the event
So this seems to work, is this safe? or i should still use date {} to the @timestamp (if even works using date on the same field as the date target)