K8S topology for deploying ECK and ELK components

Hi Team,

I want to install ECK on K8s cluster with 2 elasticsearch nodes and 1 deployement of kibana, apm-server and logstash. I have 3 node K8s cluster with all nodes having "Node" as a role. Do I need to define node topology for K8s cluster (master and worker nodes)? What would be the best approach to install ELK components on on these master and worker nodes of K8s cluster?

Thanks in advance !

I would not be able to give you an answer on topology but for easy deployment in K8S you could use the official Helm charts: GitHub - elastic/helm-charts: You know, for Kubernetes

Hey @aksh_18, thanks for your question.

You can use ECK to deploy Elasticsearch, Kibana, APM Server (and more). For Logstash you'd need to use our Helm chart or set it up yourself. As for the guidance, did you have a chance to take a look at our docs? Specifically around deploying ECK, deploying Elasticsearch and Elasticsearch node configuration.

Thanks @dkow and @duc00 for the reply, got the resolution.

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