Kafka plugin doesn't get updated to in logstash 5.1.1

Logstash 5.1.1 release page has a section on kafka enhancements that says

If you need support, you can install the latest version on 5.1 by using
bin/logstash update logstash-input-kafka
bin/logstash update logstash-output-kafka

The command is wrong and I've filed an issue.

Even when the command is corrected, when I run it, it doesn't upgrade:

./bin/logstash-plugin update logstash-input-kafka
Updating logstash-input-kafka
No plugin updated

./bin/logstash-plugin update logstash-output-kafka
Updating logstash-output-kafka
No plugin updated

The logstash log file still has this line which makes me think it isn't upgraded:

[2016-12-13T16:51:56,317][INFO ][org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser] Kafka version :
[2016-12-13T16:51:56,317][INFO ][org.apache.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser] Kafka commitId : a7a17cdec9eaa6c5

The log says Kafka version is but I'm using the Kafka server My kakfa binary is /usr/local/kafka/kafka_2.10-

Can someone clarify?

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