Kibana 4.3 text search (wildcards and spaces)


I'm trying to look for an exact match result with wildcard. Let me give you an example:

Somewhere in the message field I've got "value = 5 digits number here" and that number is usually starting with 4, 5 and 6.
I am trying to draw a piechart in which i will have 3 slices - all values starting with 4, 5 and 6. The problem is that there is a whitespace in between value, = and the start of the 5 digits number.

Basically, what cames up in my mind first is "value = 4.????" by when this is in " " It returns no results. When there are no "" it returns all values that contain the word "value" and all that contain digit numbers starting with 4, BUT the problem is that the numbers starting with 5 and 6 also contain the word "value". Therefore it returns them too.

I would appreciate if someone advise on how can I escape white spaces in "value = 4.????" or give me the correct regex that i should use in order to achieve this.

Many thanks

I just found the best fit for me and search query is:

"value =" AND 4.???? NOT 6.???? NOT 5.???? for each starting with FOURS
"value =" AND 5.???? NOT 4.???? NOT 6.???? for each starting with FIVES
"value =" AND 6.???? NOT 5.???? NOT 4.???? for each starting with SIXES