Kibana 6.4. Save API - Settings. Error. 3005 - Not Found

Hello, I am new user of Kibana. After install on my Ubuntu 18.04.1 LTS I go to and to tab settings and I enter date which ones I add to document kibana.yml. After pressing Save API I get next error: Settings. Error. 3005 - Not Found.


I am unable to understand your question. Could you please describes the steps in more detail.

What is "tab settings"?

When you say "enter date", what do you mean by this? Where are you entering the date?

What are you adding to kibana.yml?

What is the "Save API" and how do you press it?

Where are you seeing the error message? In the browser? In the kibana server logs? Is there any more information in the error message?

OK. I finish install. I use this manual:

My problem start in the second step. Look link:

When I click Add new API nothing happen. If I click Save API I get error: Settings. Error. 3005 - Not Found

In kibana.yml I add my username and password.

Looks like you are using a third party Kibana plugin. Please ask the Wazuh community/forums for support.

One thing to verify is that the plugin version matches your Kibana version

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