Kibana 6.8.13 User Read Only Access

We use Amazon OpenSearch Service to configure user access to Kibana 6.8.13. I am trying to assign user read only access.
When user is assigned with "ESHttpGet" only action or "ESHttpGet" and "ESHttpHead" actions (which grants read only access), Kibana Discovery tab shows nothing after user logging into Kibana (see image).
However, when user is assigned with "ESHttpGet" and "ESHttpPost" actions (which does not grant read only access), they can see the content of the documents within the indices in Kibana and they can use Kibana without any problem.

Why is this the case?

OpenSearch/OpenDistro are AWS run products and differ from the original Elasticsearch and Kibana products that Elastic builds and maintains. You may need to contact them directly for further assistance.

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