Kibana and elasticsearch linking on docker

I am new to ELK .
I am facing a problem while using kibana I am working on a VM where in I have all my three containers running on docker i.e logstash elasticsearch and kibana
Logstash works fine there and i can see the logs being printed in the cmd prompt also the index name is reflected on kibana but I am not able to make graphs as discover window no result found.


Did you created the index on the manegement section of Kibana?

yes i did and in the dev tool section it is not showing any error when i use the command get/index_name/_counts

Do you have your date organized by timestamp? In the discover window, on right top corner you can choose the timestamp of the data.

Yes I did that to last 15 minutes still it did not work

And you got that from last 15 minutes? Maybe you have to change that

By default the time filter is set to the last 15 minutes. Change that to a longer duration to view the data.


thank you
by increasing the last time to 12 hours I got it

Yes thank you for your reply

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