Kibana and vega aggregate


I need to made a map with vega and kibana, and i need to aggregate 3 fields when i create the transform aggregate like this :

          "type": "aggregate",
          "groupby": ["cit_code_insee"]
          "fields": ["montant_signe","nb_ventes","prix_moyen_m2"]
          "ops": ["sum","sum","average"],
          "as": ["CA", "nbventes", "prixm2"]

i have this error :
Cannot read property 'couleur_points' of undefined

someone can help me ?

Hi @Axel_MORVAN,

thanks for your question. It's difficult to help with Vega issues without having access to the data. Could you perform the steps outlined here and post it here? Thanks in advance!

that is ok ?

                  "signal":"{'Ville':datum._source.cit_name,'CA':datum._source.montant_signe +' €','Nombre de vente':datum._source.nb_ventes,'Prix moyen du m²':  datum._source.prix_moyen_m2 + ' €'}"


As you are aggregating your data, every other field is lost, this is why you can't access them. If you remove the aggregate, _source is available. A way to work around this is to do the aggregation in Elasticsearch by using a terms query and then doing a nested top_hits aggregation to retrieve the first actual document to get access to _source for things like lat/lon.

However maybe it's easier to use the Maps application that recently got out of Beta. It has a lot of functionality accessible via an easy-to-understand user interface.

Hi @flash1293,
thank you for your answer but now i can't display the name of the associated city

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