Kibana (code=exited, status=78)

I tried to solve the issue
by allocating more memory for the jvm on both elasticsearch and kibana

for elasticsearch

## JVM configuration
## WARNING: DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE. If you want to override the
## JVM options in this file, or set any additional options, you
## should create one or more files in the jvm.options.d
## directory containing your adjustments.
## See
## for more information.

## IMPORTANT: JVM heap size
## The heap size is automatically configured by Elasticsearch
## based on the available memory in your system and the roles
## each node is configured to fulfill. If specifying heap is
## required, it should be done through a file in jvm.options.d,
## which should be named with .options suffix, and the min and
## max should be set to the same value. For example, to set the
## heap to 4 GB, create a new file in the jvm.options.d
## directory containing these lines:
## See
## for more information

## Expert settings
## All settings below here are considered expert settings. Do
## not adjust them unless you understand what you are doing. Do
## not edit them in this file; instead, create a new file in the
## jvm.options.d directory containing your adjustments.


## JVM temporary directory${ES_TMPDIR}

## heap dumps

# generate a heap dump when an allocation from the Java heap fails; heap dumps
# are created in the working directory of the JVM unless an alternative path is
# specified

# exit right after heap dump on out of memory error

# specify an alternative path for heap dumps; ensure the directory exists and
# has sufficient space

# specify an alternative path for JVM fatal error logs

## GC logging

and kibana

## Node command line options
## See `node --help` and `node --v8-options` for available options
## Please note you should specify one option per line

## max size of old space in megabytes

## do not terminate process on unhandled promise rejection

I also saw this solved problem for a similar issue IE status=78

and so I followed what was told and created a new separated log file, but it did not work so i reverted back to the original log file.

I am quite lost I hope the community will be able to provide guidance.
Kind regards and thanks in advance ^^.