Kibana Dashboards not getting loaded using setup.dashboards.file option

Hi ,

Instead of loading all dashboards to Kibana, I want to load only kafka specific dashboards .
so I zipped below two json file and placed on my local drive.

  1. Metricbeat-kafka-overview.json
  2. Metricbeat-zookeeper-overview.json

I ran below command to load the dashboards.

D:\Softwares\Elastic_Search\metricbeat-7.1.1-windows-x86_64>metricbeat.exe setup -E setup.dashboards.file=D:/Users/XXX/Desktop/
Index setup complete.
Loading dashboards (Kibana must be running and reachable)
Loaded dashboards

Here it is saying got loaded, but in kibana I am not able to see those dashboards.

is there something missing with my understanding ?

Please suggest on the same.

Rakesh Katakam.

Could you please suggest on this.

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