Kibana Discover and DSL query - unknown field [aggs] and unknown field [size]

Hi @RobertBM,

Thanks for following up.

all im looking is for a way to add a view to a dashboard where the records will have the following sample

If you're looking to build a table like the above based on your provided query you might be able to create something using a Table-based plot in Vega-Lite by adapting some of these examples. This Vega visualization can then be added to a dashboard.

in the sample above, i want my view to show only process IDs 1236 and 1237 because they are the ones that have a status PROCESSING and NOT a status PROCESSED.

For this logic you could add a bool query to look for the statuses you need and want to exclude, similar to the following (warning I've not executed this):

GET test/_search
    "size": 0,
    "query": {
      "bool": {
        "must": [
            "match": {
              "status_processing": "processing"
          "must_not": [
              "match": {
                "status_processing": "processed"
    "aggs": {
      // Aggs omitted

PS: thanks for the hint about VEGA, but still would like to understand other options because im working with scripted fields which will not work in situation where you want to search an index.

On your point about scripted fields, I did come across this example showing how scripted fields can be used with Vega/ Vega-Lite visualizations that might be worth checking out.

Hope that helps!