Kibana does not show apache logs

I am using Filebeat modules (apache) to load some apache logs and view them in kibana. I have loaded the logs but I do not see them in Kibana. Both elasticsearch and Kibana are running on the same server.

Filebeat.yml config file

###################### Filebeat Configuration Example #########################

# This file is an example configuration file highlighting only the most common
# options. The filebeat.reference.yml file from the same directory contains all the
# supported options with more comments. You can use it as a reference.
# You can find the full configuration reference here:

# For more available modules and options, please see the filebeat.reference.yml sample
# configuration file.

#=========================== Filebeat inputs =============================


# Each - is an input. Most options can be set at the input level, so
# you can use different inputs for various configurations.
# Below are the input specific configurations.

- type: log

  # Change to true to enable this input configuration.
  enabled: false

  # Paths that should be crawled and fetched. Glob based paths.
    - /var/log/*.log
    #- c:\programdata\elasticsearch\logs\*

  # Exclude lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It drops the lines that are
  # matching any regular expression from the list.
  #exclude_lines: ['^DBG']

  # Include lines. A list of regular expressions to match. It exports the lines that are
  # matching any regular expression from the list.
  #include_lines: ['^ERR', '^WARN']

  # Exclude files. A list of regular expressions to match. Filebeat drops the files that
  # are matching any regular expression from the list. By default, no files are dropped.
  #exclude_files: ['.gz$']

  # Optional additional fields. These fields can be freely picked
  # to add additional information to the crawled log files for filtering
  #  level: debug
  #  review: 1

  ### Multiline options

  # Multiline can be used for log messages spanning multiple lines. This is common
  # for Java Stack Traces or C-Line Continuation

  # The regexp Pattern that has to be matched. The example pattern matches all lines starting with [
  #multiline.pattern: ^\[

  # Defines if the pattern set under pattern should be negated or not. Default is false.
  #multiline.negate: false

  # Match can be set to "after" or "before". It is used to define if lines should be append to a pattern
  # that was (not) matched before or after or as long as a pattern is not matched based on negate.
  # Note: After is the equivalent to previous and before is the equivalent to to next in Logstash
  #multiline.match: after

#============================= Filebeat modules ===============================

  # Glob pattern for configuration loading
  path: ${path.config}/modules.d/*.yml

  # Set to true to enable config reloading
  reload.enabled: false

  # Period on which files under path should be checked for changes
  #reload.period: 10s

#==================== Elasticsearch template setting ==========================

  index.number_of_shards: 1
  #index.codec: best_compression
  #_source.enabled: false

#================================ General =====================================

# The name of the shipper that publishes the network data. It can be used to group
# all the transactions sent by a single shipper in the web interface.

# The tags of the shipper are included in their own field with each
# transaction published.
#tags: ["service-X", "web-tier"]

# Optional fields that you can specify to add additional information to the
# output.
#  env: staging

#============================== Dashboards =====================================
# These settings control loading the sample dashboards to the Kibana index. Loading
# the dashboards is disabled by default and can be enabled either by setting the
# options here or by using the `setup` command.
#setup.dashboards.enabled: false

# The URL from where to download the dashboards archive. By default this URL
# has a value which is computed based on the Beat name and version. For released
# versions, this URL points to the dashboard archive on the
# website.

#============================== Kibana =====================================

# Starting with Beats version 6.0.0, the dashboards are loaded via the Kibana API.
# This requires a Kibana endpoint configuration.

  # Kibana Host
  # Scheme and port can be left out and will be set to the default (http and 5601)
  # In case you specify and additional path, the scheme is required: http://localhost:5601/path
  # IPv6 addresses should always be defined as: https://[2001:db8::1]:5601
  host: ""

  # Kibana Space ID
  # ID of the Kibana Space into which the dashboards should be loaded. By default,
  # the Default Space will be used.

#============================= Elastic Cloud ==================================

# These settings simplify using Filebeat with the Elastic Cloud (

# The setting overwrites the `output.elasticsearch.hosts` and
# `` options.
# You can find the `` in the Elastic Cloud web UI.

# The cloud.auth setting overwrites the `output.elasticsearch.username` and
# `output.elasticsearch.password` settings. The format is `<user>:<pass>`.

#================================ Outputs =====================================

# Configure what output to use when sending the data collected by the beat.

#-------------------------- Elasticsearch output ------------------------------
  # Array of hosts to connect to.
  hosts: ["localhost:9200"]

  # Protocol - either `http` (default) or `https`.
  #protocol: "https"

  # Authentication credentials - either API key or username/password.
  #api_key: "id:api_key"
  #username: "elastic"
  #password: "changeme"

#----------------------------- Logstash output --------------------------------
  # The Logstash hosts
  #hosts: ["localhost:5044"]

  # Optional SSL. By default is off.
  # List of root certificates for HTTPS server verifications
  #ssl.certificate_authorities: ["/etc/pki/root/ca.pem"]

  # Certificate for SSL client authentication
  #ssl.certificate: "/etc/pki/client/cert.pem"

  # Client Certificate Key
  #ssl.key: "/etc/pki/client/cert.key"

#================================ Processors =====================================

# Configure processors to enhance or manipulate events generated by the beat.

  - add_host_metadata: ~
  - add_cloud_metadata: ~
  - add_docker_metadata: ~
  - add_kubernetes_metadata: ~

#================================ Logging =====================================

# Sets log level. The default log level is info.
# Available log levels are: error, warning, info, debug
#logging.level: debug

# At debug level, you can selectively enable logging only for some components.
# To enable all selectors use ["*"]. Examples of other selectors are "beat",
# "publish", "service".
#logging.selectors: ["*"]

#============================== X-Pack Monitoring ===============================
# filebeat can export internal metrics to a central Elasticsearch monitoring
# cluster.  This requires xpack monitoring to be enabled in Elasticsearch.  The
# reporting is disabled by default.

# Set to true to enable the monitoring reporter.
#monitoring.enabled: false

# Sets the UUID of the Elasticsearch cluster under which monitoring data for this
# Filebeat instance will appear in the Stack Monitoring UI. If output.elasticsearch
# is enabled, the UUID is derived from the Elasticsearch cluster referenced by output.elasticsearch.

# Uncomment to send the metrics to Elasticsearch. Most settings from the
# Elasticsearch output are accepted here as well.
# Note that the settings should point to your Elasticsearch *monitoring* cluster.
# Any setting that is not set is automatically inherited from the Elasticsearch
# output configuration, so if you have the Elasticsearch output configured such
# that it is pointing to your Elasticsearch monitoring cluster, you can simply
# uncomment the following line.

#================================= Migration ==================================

# This allows to enable 6.7 migration aliases
#migration.6_to_7.enabled: true

Apache.yml config file

- module: apache
  # Access logs
    enabled: true

    # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
    # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
    var.paths: ["/apache_access.log*"]

  # Error logs
  # error:
  # enabled: true

    # Set custom paths for the log files. If left empty,
    # Filebeat will choose the paths depending on your OS.
    var.paths: ["/apache_access.log*"]

GET _cat/indices?v

health status index                            uuid                   pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size
yellow open   filebeat-7.6.2-2020.06.01-000001 BC021PJNRLyawZL_qBwmrw   1   1          0            0       283b           283b
green  open   ilm-history-1-000002             o7TNHc5sQCyQOjYi9nkSaw   1   0         53            0     75.8kb         75.8kb
green  open   .kibana_task_manager_1           pQhGQcEGQcCmys6THjjZyQ   1   0          2            1     11.4kb         11.4kb
green  open   .apm-agent-configuration         5BVLgmN8SzKPXy5I4S887w   1   0          0            0       283b           283b
green  open   ilm-history-1-000001             GUcXaayPRTaCKwdV4ObdRg   1   0         36            0     57.5kb         57.5kb
green  open   kibana_sample_data_logs          1BKNMe78S1KAUoxHQEPf4w   1   0      14074            0     11.9mb         11.9mb
yellow open   logstash-2020.05.14-000001       beCz0u-HRPySiACJAaKDkg   1   1     226375            0     45.9mb         45.9mb
green  open   .kibana_1                        8MtW_eptT_6WW-L8XjJwpg   1   0       1394          127    924.7kb        924.7kb

Is that the actual path? Under root?

Also your error logs are not actually enabled :slight_smile:

Thanks Mark, I enabled the error logs, deleted the previous index and reloaded them again but still do not see the logs in Kibana.
Yes, that's the correct path under root.

What do the Filebeat logs show?

There are multiple filebeat logs. Latest one:


2020-06-02T09:44:32.768-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-06-02T09:44:32.930-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

There are other old filebeat log files as well from filebeat.1 to filebeat.7. Looks like some data was loaded with filebeat.5 (2020-05-07).

2020-06-01T17:31:47.932-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-06-01T17:31:48.063-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

2020-06-01T16:02:18.533-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-06-01T16:02:18.585-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

2020-06-01T15:11:26.953-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:621    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-06-01T15:11:27.012-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:629    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

2020-06-01T15:11:11.520-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:621    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-06-01T15:11:11.564-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:629    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

2020-05-07T13:46:27.106-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-05-07T13:46:27.372-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb
2020-05-07T13:46:27.408-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:958    Beat info       {"system_info": {"beat": {"path": {"config": "/etc/filebeat", "data": "/var/lib/filebeat", "home": "/usr/share/filebeat", "logs": "/var/log/filebeat"}, "type": "filebeat", "uuid": "7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb"}}}
2020-05-07T13:46:27.408-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:967    Build info      {"system_info": {"build": {"commit": "d57bcf8684602e15000d65b75afcd110e2b12b59", "libbeat": "7.6.2", "time": "2020-03-26T05:23:38.000Z", "version": "7.6.2"}}}
2020-05-07T13:46:27.408-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:970    Go runtime info {"system_info": {"go": {"os":"linux","arch":"amd64","max_procs":4,"version":"go1.13.8"}}}
2020-05-07T13:46:27.409-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:974    Host info       {"system_info": {"host": {"architecture":"x86_64","boot_time":"2020-04-08T14:17:40-04:00","containerized":false,"name":"","ip":["","::1/128","","fe80::f816:3eff:feab:32e2/64",""],"kernel_version":"3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64","mac":["fa:16:3e:ab:32:e2","02:42:9b:eb:47:52"],"os":{"family":"redhat","platform":"centos","name":"CentOS Linux","version":"7 (Core)","major":7,"minor":7,"patch":1908,"codename":"Core"},"timezone":"EDT","timezone_offset_sec":-14400,"id":"f1a3b8ee445eb30bc8a60b0d21580ef5"}}}
2020-05-07T13:46:27.409-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:1003   Process info    {"system_info": {"process": {"capabilities": {"inheritable":null,"permitted":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"effective":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"bounding":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"ambient":null}, "cwd": "/kibana-7.6.2-linux-x86_64", "exe": "/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat", "name": "filebeat", "pid": 14299, "ppid": 14298, "seccomp": {"mode":"disabled","no_new_privs":false}, "start_time": "2020-05-07T13:46:26.080-0400"}}}
2020-05-07T13:46:27.409-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:298    Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 7.6.2
2020-05-07T13:46:27.410-0400    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:182      Set output.elasticsearch.index to 'filebeat-7.6.2' as ILM is enabled.
2020-05-07T13:46:27.410-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:174     Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2020-05-07T13:46:27.410-0400    INFO    [publisher]     pipeline/module.go:110  Beat name:
2020-05-07T13:46:27.415-0400    INFO    beater/filebeat.go:92   Enabled modules/filesets: apache (access, error)
2020-05-07T13:46:27.416-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:174     Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2020-05-07T13:46:27.422-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:757     Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.6.2
2020-05-07T13:46:27.445-0400    INFO    [license]       licenser/es_callback.go:50      Elasticsearch license: Basic
2020-05-07T13:46:27.447-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:174     Elasticsearch url: http://localhost:9200
2020-05-07T13:46:27.452-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:757     Attempting to connect to Elasticsearch version 7.6.2
2020-05-07T13:46:27.473-0400    INFO    [license]       licenser/es_callback.go:50      Elasticsearch license: Basic
2020-05-07T13:46:27.602-0400    INFO    fileset/pipelines.go:134        Elasticsearch pipeline with ID 'filebeat-7.6.2-apache-access-default' loaded
2020-05-07T13:46:27.681-0400    INFO    fileset/pipelines.go:134        Elasticsearch pipeline with ID 'filebeat-7.6.2-apache-error-pipeline' loaded
2020-05-07T13:46:27.681-0400    INFO    cfgfile/reload.go:273   Loading of config files completed.
2020-05-07T13:46:27.681-0400    INFO    [load]  cfgfile/list.go:118     Stopping 1 runners ...
2020-05-07T13:46:27.833-0400    INFO    fileset/pipelines.go:134        Elasticsearch pipeline with ID 'filebeat-7.6.2-apache-access-default' loaded
2020-05-07T13:46:27.898-0400    INFO    fileset/pipelines.go:134        Elasticsearch pipeline with ID 'filebeat-7.6.2-apache-error-pipeline' loaded

2020-05-07T13:21:55.169-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-05-07T13:21:55.294-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb

2020-04-27T20:55:21.992-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:622    Home path: [/usr/share/filebeat] Config path: [/etc/filebeat] Data path: [/var/lib/filebeat] Logs path: [/var/log/filebeat]
2020-04-27T20:55:22.015-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:630    Beat ID: 7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb
2020-04-27T20:55:22.111-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:958    Beat info       {"system_info": {"beat": {"path": {"config": "/etc/filebeat", "data": "/var/lib/filebeat", "home": "/usr/share/filebeat", "logs": "/var/log/filebeat"}, "type": "filebeat", "uuid": "7287adbb-ca50-4e74-8867-4a18ef2483fb"}}}
2020-04-27T20:55:22.111-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:967    Build info      {"system_info": {"build": {"commit": "d57bcf8684602e15000d65b75afcd110e2b12b59", "libbeat": "7.6.2", "time": "2020-03-26T05:23:38.000Z", "version": "7.6.2"}}}
2020-04-27T20:55:22.111-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:970    Go runtime info {"system_info": {"go": {"os":"linux","arch":"amd64","max_procs":4,"version":"go1.13.8"}}}
2020-04-27T20:55:22.112-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:974    Host info       {"system_info": {"host": {"architecture":"x86_64","boot_time":"2020-04-08T14:24:36-04:00","containerized":false,"name":"","ip":["","::1/128","","fe80::f816:3eff:feab:32e2/64",""],"kernel_version":"3.10.0-1062.18.1.el7.x86_64","mac":["fa:16:3e:ab:32:e2","02:42:9b:eb:47:52"],"os":{"family":"redhat","platform":"centos","name":"CentOS Linux","version":"7 (Core)","major":7,"minor":7,"patch":1908,"codename":"Core"},"timezone":"EDT","timezone_offset_sec":-14400,"id":"f1a3b8ee445eb30bc8a60b0d21580ef5"}}}
2020-04-27T20:55:22.113-0400    INFO    [beat]  instance/beat.go:1003   Process info    {"system_info": {"process": {"capabilities": {"inheritable":null,"permitted":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"effective":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"bounding":["chown","dac_override","dac_read_search","fowner","fsetid","kill","setgid","setuid","setpcap","linux_immutable","net_bind_service","net_broadcast","net_admin","net_raw","ipc_lock","ipc_owner","sys_module","sys_rawio","sys_chroot","sys_ptrace","sys_pacct","sys_admin","sys_boot","sys_nice","sys_resource","sys_time","sys_tty_config","mknod","lease","audit_write","audit_control","setfcap","mac_override","mac_admin","syslog","wake_alarm","block_suspend"],"ambient":null}, "cwd": "/etc/filebeat", "exe": "/usr/share/filebeat/bin/filebeat", "name": "filebeat", "pid": 22535, "ppid": 22534, "seccomp": {"mode":"disabled","no_new_privs":false}, "start_time": "2020-04-27T20:55:21.290-0400"}}}
2020-04-27T20:55:22.113-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:298    Setup Beat: filebeat; Version: 7.6.2
2020-04-27T20:55:22.113-0400    INFO    [index-management]      idxmgmt/std.go:182      Set output.elasticsearch.index to 'filebeat-7.6.2' as ILM is enabled.
2020-04-27T20:55:22.113-0400    INFO    elasticsearch/client.go:174     Elasticsearch url:
2020-04-27T20:55:22.114-0400    INFO    [publisher]     pipeline/module.go:110  Beat name:
2020-04-27T20:55:22.115-0400    INFO    kibana/client.go:117    Kibana url:
2020-04-27T20:55:22.484-0400    INFO    kibana/client.go:117    Kibana url:
2020-04-27T20:55:24.178-0400    INFO    add_cloud_metadata/add_cloud_metadata.go:93     add_cloud_metadata: hosting provider type detected as openstack, metadata={"availability_zone":"zone-r6","instance":{"id":"i-000392c2","name":"centos-7-7-7-development-gui.novalocal"},"machine":{"type":"m1.quad"},"provider":"openstack"}
2020-04-27T20:56:26.189-0400    INFO    instance/beat.go:792    Kibana dashboards successfully loaded.

What is happening here?

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