Kibana don't start visTypeTimeseries plugin

Kibana development environment v7.9.1
yarn kbn bootstrap
yarn start --oss

np bld    log   [23:25:19.560] [error][@kbn/optimizer] webpack compile errors
   │np bld    log   [23:25:19.561] [error][@kbn/optimizer] [visTypeTimeseries] build
       │np bld    log   [23:25:19.562] [error][@kbn/optimizer] Optimizations failure.
       │         482 modules
       │          ERROR in ./public/application/index.scss?v7dark (C:/kibana/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-0-1!C:/kibana/node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-0
       │          Module build failed (from C:/kibana/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
       │          SassError: File to import not found or unreadable: node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index.
       │                  on line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_color_picker.scss
       │                  from line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_index.scss
       │                  from line 17 of C:\kibana\src\plugins\vis_type_timeseries\public\application\index.scss
       │          >> @import 'node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index';
       │             ^
       │          SassError: SassError: File to import not found or unreadable: node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index.
       │                  on line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_color_picker.scss
       │                  from line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_index.scss
       │                  from line 17 of C:\kibana\src\plugins\vis_type_timeseries\public\application\index.scss
       │          >> @import 'node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index';
       │             ^
       │              at Object.render [as callback] (C:\kibana\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\index.js:73:16)
       │              at Object.done [as callback] (C:\kibana\node_modules\neo-async\async.js:8067:18)
       │              at options.error (C:\kibana\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:294:32)
       │           @ ./public/application/index.scss?v7dark 2:26-345
       │           @ ./public/application/index.scss
       │           @ ./public/plugin.ts
       │           @ ./public/index.ts
       │           @ C:/kibana/packages/kbn-optimizer/target/worker/entry_point_creator.js
       │          ERROR in ./public/application/index.scss?v7light (C:/kibana/node_modules/css-loader/dist/cjs.js??ref--6-oneOf-1-1!C:/kibana/node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-
       │          Module build failed (from C:/kibana/node_modules/sass-loader/dist/cjs.js):
       │          SassError: File to import not found or unreadable: node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index.
       │                  on line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_color_picker.scss
       │                  from line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_index.scss
       │                  from line 17 of C:\kibana\src\plugins\vis_type_timeseries\public\application\index.scss
       │          >> @import 'node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index';
       │             ^
       │          SassError: SassError: File to import not found or unreadable: node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index.
       │                  on line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_color_picker.scss
       │                  from line 3 of ../../src/plugins/vis_type_timeseries/public/application/components/_index.scss
       │                  from line 17 of C:\kibana\src\plugins\vis_type_timeseries\public\application\index.scss
       │          >> @import 'node_modules/@elastic/eui/src/components/color_picker/index';
       │             ^
       │              at Object.render [as callback] (C:\kibana\node_modules\sass-loader\dist\index.js:73:16)
       │              at Object.done [as callback] (C:\kibana\node_modules\neo-async\async.js:8067:18)
       │              at options.error (C:\kibana\node_modules\node-sass\lib\index.js:294:32)
       │           @ ./public/application/index.scss?v7light 2:26-346
       │           @ ./public/application/index.scss
       │           @ ./public/plugin.ts
       │           @ ./public/index.ts
       │           @ C:/kibana/packages/kbn-optimizer/target/worker/entry_point_creator.js

I removed my plugin. Executed kbn bootstrap. Launched Kibana. The optimization went fine. Returned the plugin to its place. Launched Kibana. Everything started normally. I didn't understand what was going on.

Did you run kbn bootstrap after returning your plugin? If not, could try to do so?

Everything works as it should. I don't understand anything else. When I do kbn clean and then bootstrap, kibana doesn't start. Optimization error as I wrote above. And the error does occur not in my plugin. If I remove the plugin and run kibana, everything will start normally and there will be no errors. After that, I can put the plugin back in place and re-launch kibana, everything starts normally, there are no errors, since the optimization of all plugins except mine has already been performed before. That's what I don't understand. How my plugin can affect others.

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