Kibana Embedded Dashboard

I'm trying to embed my kibana dashboard in a simple HTML page, i'm getting the error 401 on the following link "localhost:5601/internal/security/user_profile?dataPath=avatar%2CuserSettings"
I tried to logon as anonymous it did not work, my kibana YML is in below picture

Hi @abdulrahman_chamma,

Welcome! Can you confirm which version of Kibana you are trying to embed with, and whether you are using an iframe to embed?

I would recommend following this guide, but a 401 error is down to the action not being authorized. I would check:

  1. Are you including the correct auth_provider_hint in your iframe URL?
  2. Have you created the user with the correct credentials and permissions that match your kibana.yml config?
  3. Have you configured the sameSiteCookies option?

Can you check those things and let us know if you're still facing an issue?

Hope that helps!