Kibana error, assumed Required Throughput Per Minute Per Kibana

Hi, Im getting this error from kibana: setting HealthStatus.Error because assumed Required Throughput Per Minute Per Kibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacityPerMinutePerKibana (18) AND assumedAverageRecurringRequiredThroughputPerMinutePerKibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacityPerMinutePerKibana (18)

It started to happen without any major change in elastic or kibana, is there a way to know what is using so much troughput?

this is part of the response I get from curl GET http://localhost:8080/api/task_manager/_health

    "id": "80b63bd8-1be6-43f4-a05a-f284a92a06cf",
    "timestamp": "2024-01-30T15:25:09.701Z",
    "status": "error",
    "reason": "setting HealthStatus.Error because assumed Required Throughput Per Minute PerKibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacity Per Minute Per Kibana (18) AND assumed Average Recurring Required Throughput PerMinutePerKibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacityPerMinute PerKibana (18)",
    "last_update": "2024-01-30T15:25:07.813Z",
    "stats": {
        "configuration": {
            "timestamp": "2024-01-29T20:08:19.950Z",
            "value": {
                "request_capacity": 1000,
                "monitored_aggregated_stats_refresh_rate": 60000,
                "monitored_stats_running_average_window": 50,
                "monitored_task_execution_thresholds": {
                    "default": {
                        "error_threshold": 90,
                        "warn_threshold": 80
                    "custom": {}
                "poll_interval": 3000,
                "max_workers": 10
            "status": "OK"
        "runtime" : { ... },
        "workload" : { ... },
        "capacity_estimation": {
            "status": "error",
            "reason": "setting HealthStatus.Error because assumed Required Throughput PerMinutePerKibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacityPerMinutePerKibana (18) AND assumed Average Recurring Required Throughput PerMinutePerKibana (46.54236111111111) >= capacityPerMinutePerKibana (18)",
            "timestamp": "2024-01-30T15:25:09.701Z",
            "value": {
                "observed": {
                    "observed_kibana_instances": 1,
                    "max_throughput_per_minute_per_kibana": 18,
                    "max_throughput_per_minute": 18,
                    "minutes_to_drain_overdue": 19,
                    "avg_recurring_required_throughput_per_minute": 47,
                    "avg_recurring_required_throughput_per_minute_per_kibana": 47,
                    "avg_required_throughput_per_minute": 47,
                    "avg_required_throughput_per_minute_per_kibana": 47
                "proposed": {
                    "provisioned_kibana": 3,
                    "min_required_kibana": 3,
                    "avg_recurring_required_throughput_per_minute_per_kibana": 16,
                    "avg_required_throughput_per_minute_per_kibana": 16

HI @ElasticLiver

Hmmm Assuming

You are looking at

Perhaps set the logging to debug...

Debug logging in your Kibana instance, add the following to your kibana.yml:

      - context: plugins.taskManager
        appenders: [console]
        level: debug

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