Kibana is dividing the urls

Hi Leonardo,

You're using an analyzed field in your visualization. Strings like your URL that are sent to the standard analyzer are separated into terms by punctuation marks like the .s in your URLs. Depending on how you are getting your logs into Elasticsearch you could have both an analyzed and not analyzed (or raw) field, and in this case you would want that field. Discover tab in Kibana doesn't show these fields, but they should be available in Visualizations if you have the fields. If you don't have the field, you would need to modify the mapping in Elasticsearch to store it in your index. If you're using Logstash to get the logs into Elasticsearch you could look at that documentation.

Here's one reference How to query the stored, un-analyzed, form of an analyzed field?

If that one's not clear, search around for "not analyzed" or "raw" and you should find lots of examples.
