Kibana not loading completely

Kibana is loading half of the calls and only a blank screen is visible to the user(after the loading logo, nothing loads).
I am working with
ELK Stack version = 7.10.2

I am trying to share dashboards with reverse proxy.

Kibana Config
server.port: 5601 "localhost"
server.basePath: /kibana
server.rewriteBasePath: false
elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
logging.verbose: true true
console.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.elasticsearch.hosts: ["http://localhost:9200"]
xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.kibana.collection.interval: 15000
xpack.monitoring.ui.enabled: true
xpack.monitoring.min_interval_seconds: 15
xpack.monitoring.ui.container.elasticsearch.enabled: true
xpack.apm.ui.enabled: true
telemetry.enabled: false

I am sharing the following link with the user :

This call is intercepted, a login call to Kibana (http://localhost:5601/internal/security/login) is made to obtain the "sid".
This "sid" is used to make a new request to Kibana from the backend:

This leads to the calls getting authenticated.

The issue arises after the loading screen, which just stays blank.
In the browser, all the calls have HTTP status 200.


Kibana logs too are not showing any anomaly

 log   [03:50:13.275] [debug][metrics] Refreshing metrics
  log   [03:50:13.288] [debug][plugins][spaces] Verifying access to space "loyd-haha"
  ops   [03:50:13.291]  memory: 150.4MB uptime: 66:47:57 load: [0.00 0.00 0.00] delay: 5.009
respons [03:50:13.240]  GET /app/kibana 200 97ms - 9.0B
  log   [03:50:13.871] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate user request to /bootstrap.js.
  log   [03:50:13.872] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate via state.
  log   [03:50:13.875] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Request has been authenticated via state.
respons [03:50:13.856] [api] GET /bootstrap.js 200 81ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.698]  GET /36136/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps/kbn-ui-shared-deps.js 200 37ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.848]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/licensing/licensing.plugin.js 200 39ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.849]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/usageCollection/usageCollection.plugin.js 200 49ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.852]  GET /36136/bundles/core/core.entry.js 200 98ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.884]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/kibanaUtils/kibanaUtils.plugin.js 200 82ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.990]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/globalSearch/globalSearch.plugin.js 200 46ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.948]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/kibanaReact/kibanaReact.plugin.js 200 265ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:14.799]  GET /36136/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps/kbn-ui-shared-deps.@elastic.js 200 564ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.191]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/globalSearchBar/globalSearchBar.plugin.js 200 246ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.191]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/globalSearchProviders/globalSearchProviders.plugin.js 200 282ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.324]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/mapsLegacy/mapsLegacy.plugin.js 200 186ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.322]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/securityOss/securityOss.plugin.js 200 218ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.323]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/newsfeed/newsfeed.plugin.js 200 233ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.495]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/visDefaultEditor/visDefaultEditor.plugin.js 200 169ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.415]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/charts/charts.plugin.js 200 318ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.632]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/kibanaLegacy/kibanaLegacy.plugin.js 200 149ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.497]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/data/data.plugin.js 200 310ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.631]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/mapsLegacyLicensing/mapsLegacyLicensing.plugin.js 200 222ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.630]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/inspector/inspector.plugin.js 200 269ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.699]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/urlForwarding/urlForwarding.plugin.js 200 240ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.804]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/devTools/devTools.plugin.js 200 208ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.893]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/uiActions/uiActions.plugin.js 200 137ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.926]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/share/share.plugin.js 200 162ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.927]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/esUiShared/esUiShared.plugin.js 200 168ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.933]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/embeddable/embeddable.plugin.js 200 179ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:15.982]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/savedObjects/savedObjects.plugin.js 200 166ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.071]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/urlDrilldown/urlDrilldown.plugin.js 200 107ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.070]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/uiActionsEnhanced/uiActionsEnhanced.plugin.js 200 208ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.540]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/embeddableEnhanced/embeddableEnhanced.plugin.js 200 49ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.542]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/home/home.plugin.js 200 49ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.542]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/expressions/expressions.plugin.js 200 112ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.545]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/observability/observability.plugin.js 200 129ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.546]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/cloud/cloud.plugin.js 200 155ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.550]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/apmOss/apmOss.plugin.js 200 170ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.611]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/console/console.plugin.js 200 133ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.734]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/grokdebugger/grokdebugger.plugin.js 200 27ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.613]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/searchprofiler/searchprofiler.plugin.js 200 172ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:16.699]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/painlessLab/painlessLab.plugin.js 200 126ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.192]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/management/management.plugin.js 200 71ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.198]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/advancedSettings/advancedSettings.plugin.js 200 67ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.199]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/fileUpload/fileUpload.plugin.js 200 84ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.194]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/indexPatternManagement/indexPatternManagement.plugin.js 200 130ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.200]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/navigation/navigation.plugin.js 200 235ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.200]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/kibanaOverview/kibanaOverview.plugin.js 200 284ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.317]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/dashboardEnhanced/dashboardEnhanced.plugin.js 200 206ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.387]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/discover/discover.plugin.js 200 172ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.416]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/visualizations/visualizations.plugin.js 200 186ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.413]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/dashboard/dashboard.plugin.js 200 199ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.517]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/visTypeTimelion/visTypeTimelion.plugin.js 200 123ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.517]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/lens/lens.plugin.js 200 193ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.597]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/features/features.plugin.js 200 171ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.599]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/timelion/timelion.plugin.js 200 206ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.917]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/security/security.plugin.js 200 69ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:17.917]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/upgradeAssistant/upgradeAssistant.plugin.js 200 142ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.057]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/savedObjectsManagement/savedObjectsManagement.plugin.js 200 52ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.058]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/enterpriseSearch/enterpriseSearch.plugin.js 200 66ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.548]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/remoteClusters/remoteClusters.plugin.js 200 99ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.550]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/indexLifecycleManagement/indexLifecycleManagement.plugin.js 200 145ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.552]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/dashboardMode/dashboardMode.plugin.js 200 292ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:18.546]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/indexManagement/indexManagement.plugin.js 200 557ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:19.152]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/beatsManagement/beatsManagement.plugin.js 200 100ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:19.497]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/transform/transform.plugin.js 200 12ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:19.500]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/ml/ml.plugin.js 200 15ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:19.565]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/ingestPipelines/ingestPipelines.plugin.js 200 34ms - 9.0B

respons [03:50:21.073]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/logstash/logstash.plugin.js 200 42ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.075]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/uptime/uptime.plugin.js 200 42ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.063]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/triggersActionsUi/triggersActionsUi.plugin.js 200 72ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.080]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/monitoring/monitoring.plugin.js 200 91ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.530]  GET /translations/en.json 200 2ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.553]  GET /ui/legacy_light_theme.css 200 21ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.557]  GET /36136/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps/kbn-ui-shared-deps.v7.light.css 200 27ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.610]  GET /36136/bundles/kbn-ui-shared-deps/kbn-ui-shared-deps.css 200 85ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.586]  GET /node_modules/@kbn/ui-framework/dist/kui_light.css 200 112ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.932]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/mapsLegacy/mapsLegacy.chunk.2.js 200 19ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:21.934]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/mapsLegacy/mapsLegacy.chunk.1.js 200 85ms - 9.0B
  log   [03:50:22.305] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate user request to /internal/security/me.
  log   [03:50:22.306] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate via state.
  log   [03:50:22.311] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Request has been authenticated via state.
  log   [03:50:23.169] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate via state.
  log   [03:50:23.174] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Request has been authenticated via state.
  log   [03:50:24.503] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate user request to /internal/security/session.
  log   [03:50:24.504] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Trying to authenticate via state.
  log   [03:50:24.507] [debug][basic][basic][plugins][security] Request has been authenticated via state.
respons [03:50:24.447]  GET /36136/bundles/plugin/ml/ml.chunk.13.js 200 79ms - 9.0B
respons [03:50:24.474]  GET /internal/security/session 200 64ms - 9.0B
  log   [03:50:28.276] [debug][plugins][reindex_worker][upgradeAssistant] Polling for reindex operations
  log   [03:50:28.279] [debug][collector-set][plugins][usageCollection] Fetching data from kibana_stats collector
  log   [03:50:28.280] [debug][collector-set][plugins][usageCollection] Fetching data from kibana_settings collector
  log   [03:50:28.286] [debug][collector-set][plugins][usageCollection] not sending [kibana_settings] monitoring document because [undefined] is null or invalid.
  log   [03:50:28.287] [debug][kibana-monitoring][monitoring][monitoring][plugins] Uploading bulk stats payload to the local cluster
  log   [03:50:28.361] [debug][metrics] Refreshing metrics


I see that in the browser's Developer tool, no further calls are made after the response from "http://localhost:8080/kibana/36136/bundles/plugin/ml/ml.chunk.13.js".

What could be the cause of this?

Can you open an incognito window and check the kibana's response ? If there is nothing in the logs, its difficult to narrow down .Also try setting
logging.verbose: true (to get more details kibana logs)


Been trying is different browsers and in both normal and incognito mode. Even cleaning cache and history doesn't seem to work.
The logs above are a result of logging.verbose: true as mentioned in the question.

**All I see is **
at first this screen

and after a few seconds, all goes blank; nothing is visualized.

Whereas, if I call the same "shared URL" after having logged in without the reverse proxy, all seems to work.

I have noticed that the calls stop just before calling http://localhost:5601/36136/bundles/plugin/dashboard/dashboard.chunk.1.js ( in case of reverse, this call and subsequent calls are never made)

Reverse Proxy calls

Normal Flow

@tylersmalley do you have any ideas why this is so ? Thanks

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