Kibana script "plugin_helpers" returns 0 even when failure is encountered

The Kibana script "scripts/plugin_helpers" returns 0 even when failure is encountered. This is not optimal has we want our build to fail if there is an error.

yarn build
yarn run v1.22.21
$ yarn plugin-helpers build --debug --verbose
$ node ../../scripts/plugin_helpers build --debug --verbose
Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
  npx update-browserslist-db@latest
  Why you should do it regularly:
 debg KIBANA_CI_STATS_CONFIG environment variable not found, disabling CiStatsReporter
 info deleting the build and target directories
 debg creating build output dir [/localdisk/kbujold/WORKSPACE/wra-env/localdisk/designer/kbujold/wra-env/cgcs-root/wrs/analytics/git/elastic/kibana/plugins/wind/build/kibana/wind]
 info run bazel and build required artifacts for the optimizer
 succ bazel run successfully and artifacts were created
 info running @kbn/optimizer
 │ERROR Browserslist: caniuse-lite is outdated. Please run:
 │ info stopping @kbn/optimizer
 info compressing js and css bundles found at plugins/wind/build/kibana/wind/target/public to brotli
ERROR Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/localdisk/kbujold/WORKSPACE/wra-env/localdisk/designer/kbujold/wra-env/cgcs-root/wrs/analytics/git/elastic/kibana/plugins/wind/build/kibana/wind/target/public'
 info copying assets from `public/assets` to build
 info copying server source into the build and converting with babel
 info running yarn to install dependencies
 info compressing plugin into []
 succ plugin archive created
 debg CIStatsReporter committerHash: bce560392393d742e922
Done in 44.82s.

echo $?

I think there should be a process.exit(1); here after the log.