Kibana - sentinl calculating alert

Hi everyone,

I want to create alert on sentinl. But i stucked.

In our case, we have two field, i want to calculate field1 / field2 and sent notification via email.

But i cannot do that. Our codes are,

input =>

"search": {
"request": {
"index": [
"body": {
"size": 0,
"query": {
"bool": {
"filter": [
"range": {
"timestamp": {
"from": "now-5m",
"to": "now"
"term": {
"ctxt_status": "COMPLETE_SUCCESS"
"aggs": {
"1": {
"terms": {
"field": "ctxt_request_id"
"2": {
"terms": {
"field": "ctxt_request_id"


"script": {
"source": "return ( / == 0"

actions email body

{{ctx.payload.aggregations.1.buckets.1.doc_count}} /{{ctx.payload.aggregations.1.buckets.2.doc_count}}

Please help me asap.


This is more of a watcher question. Pinging @spinscale for more insight.


Sentinl is third party plugin, so you may have a better chance of getting an answer if you contact the creators.

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Thanks for answers. But i stucked.


can you help me?

I agree with @Christian_Dahlqvist here to contact the creators in their github repository and ask how this works, as the mentioned extension is not developed/supported by Elastic.

Hope this helps and good luck!

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