[.kibana_task_manager] Action failed with 'Request timed out'

I have deployed Elasticsearch and kibana versions 7.13.4.
I encountered this error:

{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-10-11T15:41:58+00:00","tags":["info","savedobjects-service"],"pid":948,"message":"[.kibana_task_manager] INIT -> INIT. took: 94004ms."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-10-11T15:43:32+00:00","tags":["error","savedobjects-service"],"pid":948,"message":"[.kibana] Action failed with 'Request timed out'. Retrying attempt 12 in 64 seconds."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-10-11T15:43:32+00:00","tags":["info","savedobjects-service"],"pid":948,"message":"[.kibana] INIT -> INIT. took: 94006ms."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-10-11T15:43:32+00:00","tags":["error","savedobjects-service"],"pid":948,"message":"[.kibana_task_manager] Action failed with 'Request timed out'. Retrying attempt 12 in 64 seconds."}
{"type":"log","@timestamp":"2021-10-11T15:43:32+00:00","tags":["info","savedobjects-service"],"pid":948,"message":"[.kibana_task_manager] INIT -> INIT. took: 94007ms."}

Can you tell me what I should check?

And i have probe for my kibana container.

          path: /api/status
          port: http
          scheme: HTTP

he gives me the error 503

It probably it taking time migrating your saved objects.... is it possible to increase your ELK timeouts to accommodate this? Give the system more time to process this over your network.

Do you have more information in your nodes / network ?

The logs indicate that Kibana's saved object migrations fail during the INIT step. In this step we make the following request to Elasticsearch: GET /.kibana,.kibana_7.13.4?ignore_unavailable=true and for some reason this request is reaching a timeout.

Could you try to manually test this with curl:

curl -X GET "elasticsearchUrl:port/.kibana,.kibana_7.13.4?ignore_unavailable=true"

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