Kibana Title rename


Does anybody know how to change Kibana Title?

I need to work together with two Elastic cluster.
Test and Production cluster's.
Create/Edit on Test cluster and push changes after cheking to production cluster.

But their tabs in brouser is same and some tie it's dificult to understand of what cluster tab is open. I need open and check address page.

On screen you can see two cluster. But Tabs are same name.


ELK stack version - 8.1.3

You cannot change this from settings. If you wish to change the title, you would need to build your own Kibana from source. The title is set here:


I use kibana in docker container.
May be it's planed in future to make Title changebled? It's will be were userfull.

We have started work on white-labelling Kibana, but we don't have a timeframe defined yet. You can follow this long-standing issue in the meantime.

It's a good news, but i found, what issues was open 5 years ago, and they more about different costomisation.

I think all users and company who uses more than one installation was glad to see instrument to change:

  1. Bookmark title - for cluster identification
  2. Favicon - for visual cluster identification - just the ability to change the color of the icon is enough

What it will be: settings in kibana.yml or management/kibana/settings it will not matter.

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