Kibana, Winlogbeat Agent-search with custom variable


I am new to the forum.

For some time now, we have been unable to search with our custom variables for winlogbeat logs on only two servers. I have restarted the winlog agent service but the problem still persist.

Any recommendation? Thanks


Hi SAMY. Can you share more information? I do not understand the question.

From KIBANA-Discover Onglet, we unable to search event log windows with our custom variables/pattern , agent beat used is Winlogbeat,

this issue is appear just in two server, for other server we don't have this issue

exp our customer variable : rq.machinename

Picture 1 : issue

Picture 2 : No issue

error identify in log agent Winlogbeat :

2023-03-07T14:38:42.398-0500 ERROR [logstash] logstash/async.go:280 Failed to publish events caused by: write tcp> wsasend: Une connexion existante a dû être fermée par l’hôte distant.

2023-03-07T14:38:44.053-0500 ERROR [publisher_pipeline_output] pipeline/output.go:180 failed to publish events: write tcp> wsasend: Une connexion existante a dû être fermée par l’hôte distant.

test telnet :

Telnet OK

Thanks for help

The errors from Winlogbeat indicate the remote host is closing the connection. However, there are many reasons this could occur. I would start by comparing the configuration of Winlogbeat for each server. Perhaps you have misconfigured one of the server? Are you connecting via HTTPS?

I'm fairly certain this is not a Kibana issue, so I'm going to move it to the Beats forum for a more appropriate audience.


yes connecting with https.
After comparing the configuration of Winlogbeat for each server i confirm that no misconfgured detected


anyone can answer it?


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