Kinesis Stream Output Not working


I'm trying to use the Kinesis Stream Output Filter.
I've found it here:
Kinesis Stream Output FIlter Git

This is the output section from my .conf file:


Output Plugins

output {

To File:

file {
path => "/home/ubuntu/Funkey/LogStashGames/output-tst.txt"

To Kinesis Stream

kinesis {
access_key => "<MY_ACCESS_KEY>"
secret_key => "MY_SECRET_KEY>"

  stream_name => "funkey-raw-logs-stream"
  region => "ap-south-1"

  # randomized_partition_key => true		


(I've used the file output as indicator that the flow works OK).
Now, it seems like the data doesn't reach the stream (I've tested that Kinesis-Stream using other input methods and it worked OK).

I've tested different type of output-filters and they all worked fine.

Any ideas?


this seems to be a bug in that plugin, you'll need to contact the author through the issues page of the github repo

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