Kubernetes - Inventory showing elastic agents instead of Host names


I set up Fleet and a bunch of agents running on a Kubernetes (K8S) cluster with the Kubernetes' integration.
So far the log and metrics integration kind of work ( we see them on the DSs, the dashboards and the discovery view).
My problem is when i try to see the inventory graph ( at the observability section) because instead of seeing all my Kubernetes host i see all the elastic-agents and i'm unable to see the overall usage of the K8S nodes (like full node CPU and Memory usage).

My Daemonset to run the agents is based on https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elastic/elastic-agent/8.6/deploy/kubernetes/elastic-agent-managed-kubernetes.yaml changing only the values for our environment.

The kubernetes integration used is the default with the aggregation of the orchestator.cluster field as pointed in here -> Run Elastic Agent on Amazon EKS managed by Fleet | Fleet and Elastic Agent Guide [master] | Elastic

Do we have any option in order for the agents to show the name of the node where they are running ?
In case we don't, what should we configurate in order to consolidate the metrics of the nodes when the pod are deleted and change they name in order to see a continuous metric historic for the K8S node no mater the agent's name ?


Hello @Pablo_Halamaj

My problem is when i try to see the inventory graph ( at the observability section) because instead of seeing all my Kubernetes host i see all the elastic-agents and i'm unable to see the overall usage of the K8S nodes (like full node CPU and Memory usage).

Correctly I understand that in Observability > Infrastructure > Inventory you have selected Show by Hosts, but you are getting not the host names on the graph, but the elastic-agents pod names? or you see all pods (not only elastic-agents one)?

Do you use EKS or self managed K8S cluster?

Hello @Tetiana_Kravchenko ,

Thanks for the time to answer my post.

When i go to Observability > Infrastructure > Inventory i see:

  • a big box with the label "ALL"
  • inside the box all the agents including ( fleet-server, APM agents, agents deployed with integration for kubernetes).
  • the only ones showing data are the fleet-server and the APM.
  • i don't see any other pods.

We use a self managed K8S cluster.
The fleet-server and the APM agents are in the same K8S cluster as the elastic + kibana deploy.
The elastic-agents are on another k8s cluster.
All the K8S cluster are provided by the same Cloud provider ( Oracle ).

Here are some screenshoot to better illustrate the points above.


Hi @Pablo_Halamaj
Thank you for sharing.
It is strange. In case selected Show: Hosts there should be provided a list of Kubernetes host, not the pods. Could you please check if host.name field is propagated in elasticsearch documents, and if it contains the correct values?

Hi @Tetiana_Kravchenko,

Here the host.name field from the document in the 'logs-' and 'metrics-' dataviews.
All of theme show the pod's name.

Screenshot at 2023-03-02 15-58-07
Screenshot at 2023-03-02 15-58-25
Screenshot at 2023-03-02 16-01-40

Should we add some config in the policy to fix this ?


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