Limit multiple bool query in elasticsearch

i have to search infos from elastic search so for that requirment i use a multiple bool query i want to limit each bool query size with different value from the other, that means each bool query have its own limit . so for that i use this code for the global query. can you help me please and thank you in advance

    "query": {
        "bool": {
            "filter": [
                    "range": {
                                "@timestamp":{"from" : "date1", "to" : "date2" }
                    {"bool" :{
                        "should": [
                                {"bool" : {
                                        "must": [
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "name": "bn1"
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "lastname": "l1"
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "old": "30"
                                {"bool" : {
                                        "must": [
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "name": "n2"
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "lastname": "l2"
                                                      "match": {
                                                        "old": "20"

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