Limit number of mapping fields

Hello everyone,

I have a mapping with well defined fields and fields that I don't want to see either indexed or in the mapping.

Here's my mapping definition:

mappings: {
    dynamic: false,
    properties: {
      '@timestamp': { type: 'date' },
      instance: { type: 'keyword' },
      severity: { type: 'keyword' },

      path: { type: 'keyword' },
      message: { type: 'text' },
      context: { type: 'flattened', index: false, ignore_above: 8191, doc_values: false },
      error: { type: 'flattened', index: false, ignore_above: 8191, doc_values: false },

      clickContext: {
        properties: {
          xPosition: { type: 'integer', index: false },
          yPosition: { type: 'integer', index: false },
          attributes: { type: 'flattened', index: false, ignore_above: 8191, doc_values: false },

How can I modify my mapping so that I don't have any subfields underneath the context, error and attributes properties, I just want to have the raw data.

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