[Line chart] Show threshold line for only right y-axis

Hi all,

I'm creating a visualization to understand the relationship between two fields: Transactions and CPU (%) of underlying server.

I want to set a threshold line of 60% for just the CPU, thus I've made the following changes -

Result -

(Ignore the missing data points for CPU)

As it can be seen, there are 2 separate threshold lines for both the transaction volume and the CPU.

Is it possible to limit the threshold line to be applied to only one of the y-axis?

Thanks in advance.

Thank you @sreliable, that's an interesting edge-case. I don't think it's possible to do this, to just put this on a single axis. I would create an ER here: https://github.com/elastic/kibana/issues/new/choose

Thanks for the advice @thomasneirynck, I've submitted the issue here:

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