Link between Lucene NumericField and ES mapping type


Does ES use the Lucene org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField when I define
a mapping of type long ("type" : "long")?
And in which ES class(es) can I see this?

I am asking because I hope to get advantage of the trie structure when doing
a range query on the numeric field.

Best regards Trym

Yes, the numeric types map to Lucene NumericField. Here is the mapper for
the long type:

On Tue, Oct 4, 2011 at 9:10 AM, Trym wrote:


Does ES use the Lucene org.apache.lucene.document.NumericField when I
define a mapping of type long ("type" : "long")?
And in which ES class(es) can I see this?

I am asking because I hope to get advantage of the trie structure when
doing a range query on the numeric field.

Best regards Trym