I there a way to list the configuration files that exist in the Elasticsearch conf directory (usually /etc/elasticsearch) using only the Elasticsearch API?
For example, I would like to know if a specific configuration file for synonyms is available.
Thank you. Do you have a suggestion as to what would be the lightest way to check resource availibility then? If possible, I would like to avoid the following:
1) Try creating an index with an analyzer that uses file X
2) Catch an error / No error --> decide if the file X exists
3) Delete the index
My install is fine; my issue is with confirming that resource files are available.
I am working on a python package that provides mulitple analyzers, some of which require resources. If a user decides to use an analyzer that requires resources, I want to check that this file is available and create it if necessary. Using standard os functions like ls /etc/elasticsearch requires sudo permissions by default which I would rather avoid.
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