Little Feedback on Monitor prices in a time interval

Good Morning!
I'm having structuring problem in elastic and kibana use to construct a graph.
My database has more than 2.5 million inputs, each input has a date and a value (price) associated with a business group as well as location such as limited specificity for each input, very briefly this is it.

Well through Kibana interface I can make metric graphs as usual, total average total count etc of each specificity, the preference of each business group regarding specificity etc.

What I'm having problems with is:
How to monitor the market to see if there are fluctuations in the price of each specificity of each company in a given time interval.
Example: From the specificity of a business group
Begin Date ---- End Date (X axis)
Value --- (Y axis)

Is it possible to perform this type of analysis through the ELK stack? Maybe maybe I'm analyzing everything wrong and I apologize if it was confused, i have started learning ELK stack at least 3 weeks and my English is not the best either.

How to monitor the market to see if there are fluctuations in the price of each specificity of each company in a given time interval. Is it possible to perform this type of analysis through the ELK stack?

Yes, the Elastic stack can be used to give you the full power of the Elasticsearch query language to identify changes in your data that are interesting to you. This feature is called alerting and is part of x-pack. You can find out more about alerting here

Nice, one more thing, didn't know that. I have to check it out.

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