Loading a .csv file into Elasticsearch using Logstash

Hi, I'm trying to import this one CSV file to Elasticsearch using Logstash, but it seems to be failing despite the fact that my configuration file is okay. My .conf file in Elasticsearch looks like the following:

input {
    file {
        path => "/Users/puja.jena/Desktop/TrendingData6.csv"
        type => "perf"
        sincedb_path => "/Users/puja.jena/ElkData/.sincedb_test2"        

filter {
        csv {
            columns => ["date","tenant_n","Total_Count","Tasks_above_threshold","Score","Total_Tasks","Task_Score","year"]
            separator => ","

    date {
        match => ["date", "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss"]
        target => "@timestamp"
        timezone => "UTC"

    mutate {
        convert => {"Total_Count" => "integer"}
        convert => {"Tasks_above_threshold" => "integer"}
        convert => {"Score" => "float"}
        convert => {"Total_Tasks" => "integer"}
        convert => {"Task_Score" => "integer"}
        convert => {"year" => "integer"}      

output {  
    elasticsearch {
        action => "index"
        hosts => ["localhost:9200"]
        index => "logstash-trendingScore"
        workers => 1

When I run "bin/logstash -f bin/logstashConfig.conf --configtest", it returns "Configuration OK". When I run "bin/logstash -f bin/logstashConfig.conf --verbose", I have no errors as well. However, when I use the Kopf plugin to view my loaded indices, none appear. Is there something that I am missing?

Have you removed the sincedb file?

If the input file is older than 24 hours you need to adjust the ignore_older option.