Localized highlighting issue

Hi all,

so here's the thing: we have some products that have their name
localized in several languages. The name is defined in Elasticsearch
as following:

name: {
de: "some german text",
en: "some english text",
nl: "some dutch text"

It all works good - if I have to search I search not in the "name"
field, but in "name.nl" or "name.en" depending on the chosen locale on
the frontend.

My question is: is this the right way to handle localization?

Also, the highlighting doesn't work. I tried setting the highlighting
with the Java API as:


And as you can see I have specified different combinations, but I
never receive the results surrounded by the 'b' tag. I know that the
field must be declared as stored in the mapping, and that is exactly
what I tried.

  1. I tried to setup "name" as stored, and then here's how my mapping
    looked like

  2. Then I tried to "name.en", and again the mapping:

  3. The "name[en]", and here's the mapping:

  4. Last I tried setting only "en" as stored, and here's the mapping:

After each of these I tried to search for something that gives result,
and I got no highlighting.

Does any of you have any idea how can I get a highlighting in my
search results?

Thank you for your time.

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