Lock date range in dashboards

i have multiple dashboards i want to lock the date range in one of them so it can't be change when i change the other dashboards for example
dashboard 1 date range last 1 min
dashboard 2,3 it's ok to be anything


When navigating between the dashboards, the date range is supposed to be preserved. Are you experiencing an issue with this?

Hi majagrubic,
thanks for your reply
No, i want each dashboards having own date range
dashboard 1 date range 1 min
dashboard 2 date range 30 min
and when i change dashboard 2 date range it won't reflect to dashboard 1
i hope it clear now

You won't be able to do that just by navigating between the dashboards. However, if you save the dashboard, when saving you can choose "Save Time with the dashboard". This will keep the selected time range when loading the dashboard again.

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