Log analysis finding what files didn't get processed

This is my first time posting here, I tried looking for a similar question around but haven't been able to find a solution.

I'm using ElasticSearch and Kibana for my logs. Some process grabs one or more files and that file has to go through some states.
Sometimes, one file, for some reason, don't get to the last step so there's no log saying that a file had status of completed.

a function start processing a file and there's a log like this:
indent preformatted text by 4 spaces
service: 'name-of-my-service',
status: 'started',
data: '{ "FILE": K00351}',

other function grabs the same file and outputs another log saying almost the same but with different status
service: 'name-of-my-service',
status: 'completed',
data: '{ "FILE": K00351}',

So...my question: is there anyway to get the name of the file who didn't complete? (status=completed)

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