Log File is not being created with logstash output config

the stdin part should be commented you have given two inputs one as stdin and another through file so it has conflicts comment the stdin part and i think the output directory should contain forward slashes

your config file should be

input {
#stdin {}
file {
path => "C:\LogStash_Log_Input\LogStashInputLog.log"
start_position => "beginning"
sincedb_path => "/dev/null"

output {
file {
path => "C:\LogStash\xyz.log"

In more convenient method u can give the output path as "C:\LogStash\xyz.log" for testing purpose if it works fine den u can append it with the dateformat

Yes i already tried that way and same error is thrown. Thank You

Then i am not sure why it is not creating a file.It has to create if your config files are correct and u said the u logged with admin privileges so try creating the file in other drive.But i am not sure u can give a try

if you put your preformatted text (like log output and code snippets) in between code fences (~~~ on its own line), the forum will interpret the contents of the fence without any additional interpretation. Without doing so, the forum is seeing all of the @xxxxx in your pasted output and guessing that you are trying to @-mention users.

If you have long-form output, you may want to post it in a gist and link to it in the forum post to get around the maximum length restrictions.

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