Log file rolling by size


Is there a possibility to configure the logging.yml that log file a rolled
by size (instead of dailyRollingFile)?
Is there a documentation of all logging options anywhere?

Thanks in advance, Ulli


By default elasticsearch is using log4j. So, the logging.yml file is
basically standard log4j.properties file only translated from .properties
format into YAML format and with all log4j. prefixes omitted. Basically
something like

rootLogger: INFO, console, file

log action execution errors for easier debugging

action: DEBUG

in standard log4j.properties file would look like

log4j.rootLogger=INFO, console, file

The log4j configuration is explained
here: Apache log4j 1.2 - Short introduction to log4j

To setup log file rolled by size, you need to replace dailyRollingFile
appender with rollingFilehttp://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/apidocs/org/apache/log4j/RollingFileAppender.htmlappender and remove datePattern. For example:

type: rollingFile
file: ${path.logs}/${cluster.name}.log
maxFileSize: 10000000
maxBackupIndex: 10
type: pattern
conversionPattern: "[%d{ISO8601}][%-5p][%-25c] %m%n"

On Friday, November 9, 2012 5:44:49 AM UTC-5, Ulli wrote:


Is there a possibility to configure the logging.yml that log file a rolled
by size (instead of dailyRollingFile)?
Is there a documentation of all logging options anywhere?

Thanks in advance, Ulli


Thank you.
