Log parsing - ampersand getting transformed to \u0026

Hi Team,
We were using filebeat 2.x for quite long time. Recently we decided to upgrade to 5.5 version of ELK stack along with kafka.

Filebeat -> Kafka-cluster -> logstash -> ES -> Kibana

We are able to successfully configure the cluster and logs are flowing as expected.

Original log on the disk -
2017-07-24 00:00:17,865 INFO [GlobalWebRedirectServlet] (ajp-/ Server ID: estore2a, Ip -- ca.xxx.com/store/services/stibo/stiboLiteOrderingTable.jsp?orderGridID=orderTable_CAAAA13466-0B&catalogNumbers=CAAAA13466-0B,CAAAA13466-30,CAAAA13466-0I&initLoad=false&itemCount=3&_=1500868818879 - User Org Id : u920480552canada_cash_org - Is Anonymous : true - Client SSL Protocol: TLSv1.2 - Client SSL Cipher : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256

Output by filebeat -
{"@timestamp":"2017-08-26T12:09:11.355Z","beat":{"hostname":"lxelkprd01","name":"lxelkprd01","version":"5.5.0"},"input_type":"log","message":"2017-07-24 00:00:17,865 INFO [GlobalWebRedirectServlet] (ajp-/ Server ID: estore2a, Ip -- ca.vwr.com/store/services/stibo/stiboLiteOrderingTable.jsp?orderGridID=orderTable_CAAAA13466-0B\u0026catalogNumbers=CAAAA13466-0B,CAAAA13466-30,CAAAA13466-0I\u0026initLoad=false**\u0026itemCount=3\u0026**_=1500868818879 - User Org Id : u920480552canada_cash_org - Is Anonymous : true - Client SSL Protocol: TLSv1.2 - Client SSL Cipher : ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256","offset":485,"source":"/apps/elk/testsetup/test6.log","type":"log"}

I am seeing & is getting transformed to \u0026. I tried couple of encodings however I am not able to find any solution that works. I believe it has to do with HTML escaping and I saw some suggestions about using JSON. However this is log from server and not in JSON format.

Can you try with beats 6.0 beta? The encoding for 6.0 has been redone and might give you the expected results (I hope).

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