Logs are single line json:
{"msg":"Logger in Debug mode","sev":"DEBUG","ts":"2017-11-15T19:38:44:0223Z"}
This works fine:
$ nc localhost 5044 < json-log.log
Same file put in Filebeat log directory has hex values: @version:1 host:dockerelkmaster_filebeat_1.dockerelkmaster_elk @timestamp:February 1st 2018, 16:54:21.862 @metdata.ip_address: message:2W\u0000\u0000\u0000\u00042C\u0.....etc.
The line mentioned above is the log file contents:
Logs are single line json:
{"msg":"Logger in Debug mode","sev":"DEBUG","ts":"2017-11-15T19:38:44:0223Z"}
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