Logging exceptions at DEBUG?


I'm trying to investigate some ES errors and when I look at the logs I see
things like this:

[2012-06-20 12:07:53,367][DEBUG][action.search.type ] [Foo search 1]
[48639] Failed to execute fetch phase
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [Foo search
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.search.SearchContextMissingException: No
search context found for id [48639]

Why is this at DEBUG level and not ERROR? Shouldn't this be ERROR? I'll
happily open an issue.


Search Analytics - http://sematext.com/search-analytics/index.html
Scalable Performance Monitoring - http://sematext.com/spm/index.html

Its by design. Action failures are propagated back to the user, so we don't
log them as errors.

On Wed, Jun 20, 2012 at 6:11 PM, Otis Gospodnetic <
otis.gospodnetic@gmail.com> wrote:


I'm trying to investigate some ES errors and when I look at the logs I see
things like this:

[2012-06-20 12:07:53,367][DEBUG][action.search.type ] [Foo search 1]
[48639] Failed to execute fetch phase
org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [Foo search
Caused by: org.elasticsearch.search.SearchContextMissingException: No
search context found for id [48639]

Why is this at DEBUG level and not ERROR? Shouldn't this be ERROR? I'll
happily open an issue.


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Scalable Performance Monitoring - Sematext Monitoring | Infrastructure Monitoring Service