Logstash 2.0 rabbitmq input

I'm facing a problem with Rabbit MQ input on 2.0 beta1, that I don't see on 1.x

I have 8 inputs that look like the one below. Logstash will use them fine, grabbing from each of 8 queues, but then after a random amount of time (usually hours) it just stops picking up packets from a queue. I've let it run for a day and it ended up not picking up stuff from 5 out of 8 queues. :

Here's an input config:

input {
rabbitmq {
codec => json {
charset => "UTF-8"
durable => false
exchange => "logstash.ipfix"
host => ""
key => "logstash_0"
password => "super-secret"
port => "5601"
prefetch_count => "1024"
queue => "logstash.ipfix.queue.rr_0"
threads => "1"
user => "logstash"

You may want to redact that public IP from your config....