Logstash-2.2.2 Related Error

Hi All,

I am getting below mentioned error while running logstash-2.2.2.

:message=>"Connection refused", :class=>"Manticore::SocketException", :level=>:error

I have tried the solutions that were previously discussed on this group.

Please help.


Assuming the problem is with the elasticsearch output, the problem is pretty clear: Logstash couldn't connect to ES because nothing was listenting on that port. Can you connect with e.g. curl or telnet from the Logstash machine? Have you checked that the plugin configuration is correct (both host and port)?

Hi Magnus,

I have tried that, and it's connecting properly with host. :slightly_smiling:
I have also made proper plugin configuration.

Please guide.

Please Regards,

Standard debugging advice applies to figure out what's going on.

  • Increase Logstash's logging verbosity. Maybe you're not using the configuration you think you're using?
  • Use Wireshark to trace the network traffic.
  • Use strace to pry into what the Logstash process is doing.

Hi Magnus,

this is my config file. when i am running config test for it, in that it's giving
:message=>"Connection refused", :class=>"Manticore::SocketException", :level=>:error
configuration OK.

input {
file {
path => "/MARSLMS/LMS_Kibana/Logstash/logstash.log"
start_position => beginning
ignore_older => 0
# type => "Application Server Log"

output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["localhost:9200"]

file {
    path => "/MARSLMS/LMS_Kibana/result.log"



Can you please tell me what should i check further for this error message?

I gave you a list of three suggestions. Are they unclear?