Logstash 6.1.1 isn't executing [logging issue]

Hi - I have a 3 node cluster that i am trying to setup and run the ELK stack.

Elastic search is configured and runs ok in all 3 nodes.

Have 2 issues:

#1: In Node1: while running the conf file i get the following error:
FileManager (/var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log) java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log (Permission denied).

#2 modifying the privilege chmod 777 still doesn't resolve the issue. So i modified the default log direectory in log4j2.properties [variable appender.rolling.filename as /home/user instead of default configuration]

then again, i get this error:
(An unexpected error occurred! {:error=>java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /var/lib/logstash/.lock, )

can you also let me know where can i find: ${sys:ls.logs}

modifying the privilege chmod 777 for .lock file in log folder fixed the issue.

Chmodding to 777 isn't the proper solution to anything. Fix the real problem. It appears you're running Logstash as a user that doesn't have access to the right files.

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