Hi - I have a 3 node cluster that i am trying to setup and run the ELK stack.
Elastic search is configured and runs ok in all 3 nodes.
Have 2 issues:
#1: In Node1: while running the conf file i get the following error:
FileManager (/var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log) java.io.FileNotFoundException: /var/log/logstash/logstash-plain.log (Permission denied).
#2 modifying the privilege chmod 777 still doesn't resolve the issue. So i modified the default log direectory in log4j2.properties [variable appender.rolling.filename as /home/user instead of default configuration]
then again, i get this error:
(An unexpected error occurred! {:error=>java.nio.file.AccessDeniedException: /var/lib/logstash/.lock, )
can you also let me know where can i find: ${sys:ls.logs}