I am receiving Syslog event from a CGNAT device, that i am able to parse properly.
My issue is I am facing a large number of logs, as for each difference Source Port (irrelevant Field for me), i i am receiving a Log event, summing to a huge number of Logs.
I have a sample of Log events for my Case:
Sample Logs | ||
January 15th 2019, 14:00:21.153 | | "LSN_ADD""""TCP""""","443""1547553621152" |
January 15th 2019, 14:00:20.290 | | "LSN_ADD""""TCP""""","443""1547553620289" |
January 15th 2019, 14:00:08.567 | | "LSN_ADD""""TCP""""","443""1547553608567" |
(The IP Addresses are changed for confidentiality)
The Logs are being successfully parsed using Grok to the following fields,
@timestamp, deviceAddress, Action, sourceIP, sourceport, protocol, NattedSourceIP, nattedsourcePort, destinationIP, destinationPort, SessionID
The 3 events have common fields of interest within a short range of time:
sourceIP, protocol, NattedSourceIP, destinationIP, destinationPort
Can i use the Aggregate plugin in my case to receive a single event with the following format:
@timestamp (either first or last), sourceIP, protocol, NattedSourceIP, destinationIP, destinationPort, sourcePortCount(=3)
I was trying the following aggregate rule, but it's not doing anything at all:
aggregate {
task_id => "%{sourceIP}%{protocol}%{NattedSourceIP}%{destinationIP}%{destinationPort}"
code => "map['sourcePortCount'] ||= 0; map['sourcePortCount'] += 1;"
push_map_as_event_on_timeout => true
timeout_tags => ['_aggregatetimeout']
timeout_code => "event.set('several_events', event.get('sourcePortCount') > 1)"