Logstash CSV Parse Error

Hello ES community! I hope you are all doing well and staying safe. I'm running into a small issue while parsing/importing CSV data via logstash to ES. Specifically, the issue is with one of my CSV fields. The field contains multiple phone numbers and names in one cell see example below. Logstash is not able to read/process the full cell for this field properly. It only picks up the first number/name in the cell and leaves out all the rest.

John Doe
John Schmoe

It's also worth noting that when I remove this field all together, my script works perfect and the remaining data/fields are transferred to ES with no issues. Below is the script I'm currently using. The trouble field is called "Participants". Any suggestions or help is greatly appreciated. What data value should "Participants" be mapped to?

input {


file {

path => "C:/Users/Moe/Desktop/demo/message_analysis/messagedatademo.csv"

start_position => "beginning"

sincedb_path => "NUL"



filter {

csv {

separator => ","

columns => ["Participants","Source","Deleted","From","Body","Status","Date"]


date {

match => [ "Date" , "MM/dd/yyyy HH:mm" ]



filter {

mutate {

convert => { "Body" => "string" }

convert => { "Participants" => "string" }



output {

elasticsearch {

hosts => "localhost:9200"

index => "chatdataload"


stdout {}


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