I am running ELK 6.6.1 docker on my Ubuntu 16.04 host PC. I am trying to run docker for all 4 components - Elasticsearch, logstash, filebeat and kibana.
But logstash docker is not able to connect to elasticsearch docker. It throws following error:
[2019-03-11T14:43:56,784][WARN ][logstash.outputs.elasticsearch] Attempted to resurrect connection to dead ES instance, but got an error. {:url=>"http://localhost:9200/", :error_type=>LogStash::Outputs::ElasticSearch::HttpClient::Pool::HostUnreachableError, :error=>"Elasticsearch Unreachable: [http://localhost:9200/][Manticore::SocketException] Connection refused (Connection refused)"}
I have tried curl for elasticsearch from host and it works.
But curl from logstash docker instance fails with the following error:
sh-4.2$ curl http://localhost:9200
curl: (7) Failed to connect to ::1: Cannot assign requested address
IPv6 is diabled on ubuntu box. My logstash config is quite simple and output looks like following :
output {
- elasticsearch {*
- hosts => ["http://localhost:9200"]*
- }*
- stdout {*
- codec => rubydebug*
- }*
I have done the port mapping with host as well i.e. used -p 9200:9200 etc while running docker.
Just FYI. I tried direct instances of all 4 components (without docker) on my host machine and it worked perfectly fine.
Can you please suggest what could be the possible issue in docker configuration here.