Logstash does not clean the old generation of garbage

Hi, I have a problem with logstash, it starts working normally, but later I see huge heap usage. After analyzing logs from garbage collector I see that Old Generation is rises and not cleaned well. It leads to degradation of service and OOM killed process.

I take a heap dump from logstash process, and there is 90% of Inefficient Primitive Array (heaphero as analyzer)

Software version:

  • Logstash 7.6.2
  • Java 8

Logstash configuration:

    input {
      gelf {
        port => 12210
        type => "gelf-1"
        remap => true  }

    filter {
      if "gelf" in [type] and "events" not in [type]  {
        json {
          source => "message"
          target => "doc"
          #remove_field => ["message"]

        #collect errors
        if ([doc][log-level] == "warn" or [doc][log-level] == "error") {
          if ("" in [err][message]) {
            mutate { add_field => {"error.message" => "%{[err][message]}"} }
          if ("" in [doc][message]) {
            mutate { add_field => {"error.message" => "%{[doc][message]}"} }

        if ([doc][err]) {
          if ([doc][err][name]) { mutate { add_field => {"error.name" => "%{[doc][err][name]}"} } }
          if ([doc][err][message]) { mutate { add_field => {"error.message" => "%{[doc][err][message]}"} } }
          if ([doc][err][code]) { mutate { add_field => {"error.code" => "%{[doc][err][code]}"} } } }

        if ([facility] == "management") {
          if ([doc][request]) {
            if ([doc][request][url]) {
              mutate { add_field => {"request.url" => "%{[doc][request][url]}"} }
            if ([doc][request][data]) {

            if ([doc][request][data][merch_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.merch_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][merch_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][cust_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.cust_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][cust_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][cust_session_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.cust_session_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][cust_session_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][game_code]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.game_code" => "%{[doc][request][data][game_code]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][ticket]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.ticket" => "%{[doc][request][data][ticket]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][amount]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.amount" => "%{[doc][request][data][amount]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][currency_code]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.currency_code" => "%{[doc][request][data][currency_code]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][trx_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.trx_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][trx_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][game_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.game_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][game_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][round_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.round_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][round_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][event_type]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.event_type" => "%{[doc][request][data][event_type]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][event_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.event_id" => "%{[doc][request][data][event_id]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][platform]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.platform" => "%{[doc][request][data][platform]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][game_type]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.game_type" => "%{[doc][request][data][game_type]}"} } }
            if ([doc][request][data][game_status]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"request.data.game_status" => "%{[doc][request][data][game_status]}"} } }
            if ([doc][responseCode]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"responseCode" => "%{[doc][responseCode]}"} }
            if ([doc][responseBody]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"responseBody" => "%{[doc][responseBody]}"} }
            if ([doc][response]) {
            if ([doc][response][error_code]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.error_code" => "%{[doc][response][error_code]}"} } }
            if ([doc][response][error_msg]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.error_msg" => "%{[doc][response][error_msg]}"} } }
            if ([doc][response][balance]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.balance" => "%{[doc][response][balance]}"} } }
            if ([doc][response][currency_code]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.currency_code" => "%{[doc][response][currency_code]}"} } }
            if ([doc][response][free_bet_count]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.free_bet_count" => "%{[doc][response][free_bet_count]}"} } }
            if ([doc][response][trx_id]) {
             mutate { add_field => {"response.trx_id" => "%{[doc][response][trx_id]}"} } }

        mutate { convert => {"request.data.amount" => "integer" } }

        #collect trace-id
        if ([message] =~ /trace-id/) { mutate { add_field => {"trace-id" => "%{[doc][trace-id]}"} } }

        #collect name
        if ([message] =~ /name/) { mutate { add_field => {"name" => "%{[doc][name]}"} } }

        #collect level
        if ([message] =~ /level/) { mutate { add_field => {"log-level" => "%{[doc][level]}"} } }

        prune { whitelist_names => ["error.message", "error.name", "error.code", "request.url", "request.data.merch_id", "request.data.cust_id", "request.data.cust_session_id", "request.data.game_code", "request.data.ticket", "request.data.amount", "request.data.currency_code", "request.data.trx_id", "request.data.game_id", "request.data.round_id", "request.data.event_type", "request.data.event_id", "request.data.platform", "request.data.game_type", "request.data.game_status", "responseCode", "responseBody", "response.error_code", "response.error_msg", "response.balance", "response.currency_code", "response.free_bet_count", "response.trx_id", "trace-id", "name", "log-level", "level", "message", "short_message", "source_host", "type", "facility", "@timestamp", "host"]}

    if [type] == "gelf-1"
        elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["","","","","","","","",""]
        index => "logstash-gelf-1"
      } else {
        elasticsearch {
        hosts => ["","","","","","","","",""]
        index => "logstash-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}-other"

And next configuration for JVM:

    ## GC configuration

I thought some of the filters I use have memory leaks, but it looks like they are all updated to the latest version. Please help me with any advice, a lot of time was spent to try to solve this problem)

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