Logstash filter date match not replacing @timestamp

Ok ... i GOT IT WORKING!!!

So here's my solution to this problem :

                gsub => ["datetime", "-Jan-", "-01-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Feb-", "-02-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Mar-", "-03-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Apr-", "-04-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-May-", "-05-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Jun-", "-06-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Jul-", "-07-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Aug-", "-08-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Sep-", "-09-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Oct-", "-10-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Nov-", "-11-"]
                gsub => ["datetime", "-Dec-", "-12-"]
        date {
                match => ["datetime","dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss"]
                target => "@timestamp"

And now here's the log :

           "path" => "/home/papi/logs/php_error_test_log",
        "message" => "[07-Jul-2018 19:24:26 America/New_York] PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: langue in /home/papi/public_html/application/controllers/khamai.php on line 210",
           "host" => "webhost01.int.cablevision.ca",
            "day" => "07",
           "time" => "19:24:26",
           "type" => "phpApi",
           "year" => "2018",
       "@version" => "1",
          "month" => "Jul",
    "log_message" => "PHP Notice:  Undefined variable: langue in /home/papi/public_html/application/controllers/khamai.php on line 210",
     "@timestamp" => 2018-07-07T23:24:26.000Z,
       "datetime" => "07-07-2018 19:24:26",
       "timezone" => "America/New_York"

Thanks for your support @Badger

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