Logstash filter loglevel info warn and error

i have this JSON data:
"result": [


        "payload": {

            "context": "default",

            "level": "DEBUG",

            "logger": "org.forgerock.opendj.ldap.CachedConnectionPool",

            "message": "Connection attempt failed: availableConnections=0, maxPoolSize=2",

            "thread": "LDAP SDK Default Scheduler",

            "timestamp": "2022-03-09T07:54:16.939Z",

            "transactionId": null


        "timestamp": "2022-03-09T07:54:16.939328893Z",

        "type": "application/json"



i need to index only the data with level (info, warn, error) with logstash, and drop DEBUG one
can someone help ?

use drop filter

i tried it, but it doesn't work
i tried also
if [result][payload][level] == "DEBUG" {
mutate {
remove_field => [ "level" ] }

but it keeps indexing the debug level

you data in logstash is real JSON or "message::"{{json string}}" now?

I tested it with follow conf:

input {
  file {
    path => "/home/caster/input"
    format => json
filter {
  if [loglevel] == "debug" {
    drop { }
output {
  file {
    path => "/home/caster/output"

when i echo "{"loglevel":"info","id":"1"}" > input, it write to output
when i echo "{"loglevel":"debug","id":"1"}" > input, it not write to output

yes it's json format but the level is not in the message field, it's an independent field

"result": [


        "payload": {

            "context": "default",

            "level": "DEBUG",

[result] appears to be an array. Try

if [result][0][payload][level] == "DEBUG" {

indeed it's an array and it works now.
Thank you Badger for your help)

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