Logstash Input From Elastic HTTPS

I want to retrieve data from an elasticsearch server that uses https. logstash config that I use to retrieve data from elasticsearch as follows :

input {
 elasticsearch {
    hosts => ["https://RVRPAOR1ABC19WD:9200"]
    user => "elastic"
    password => "password1234"
    ca_file => "D:\logstash-7.5.1\certificate.crt"
    ssl => true
    index => "default-2020.01"
    query => '
      "query": {
	     "match_all": {}

output {
  csv {
    fields => ["level", "Message", "source", "component","logType","fingerprint","windowsIdentity","machineName","processName","processVersion","jobId","robotName","fileName","tenantKey"]
    path => "csv-export.csv"

filter {
   mutate {
     convert => {
		"machineId" => "integer"
        "levelOrdinal" => "integer"

The error I get is as follows :

SSL Error problem is complete.
what I do is update the elastic logstash input plugin to the latest version.
The following is the address of the elastic logstash input plugin:

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